My Thesis' Proposal

- 1 min

This past Friday, 14th of July 2022, I presented my Thesis Proposal. This step in my Ph.D. is long in the making and marks more than half of the process of a Ph.D. I had to prepare a document and a presentation. The former holds a lot of info but also serves as a base for my final thesis. It covers a diverse set of topics, like emotions, believability, and anticipation.

You can find the Thesis Proposal document here:

As for the presentation, it is supposed to showcase the core of the work done in 20 minutes, not an easy task. I focused on topics I still haven’t completely figured out, although a lot of my work is on track to a good solution. If you’d like to see the slides, you can do so here:

The presentation went well and I was lucky to receive a lot of great feedback. Interesting input to better my message was that of linking back to the problem and hypothesis when introducing and closing a section, chapter, or whenever necessary. This feedback while appearing obvious is something easy to forget when you are writing long documents. Furthermore, another noteworthy suggestion was to include a personal reflection in the summary of a chapter, thus adding a view on why that chapter mattered and what are the big messages it should pass on.

In closing, a lot of work went into the production of this document and presentation, yet a lot more is still to come for my Ph.D. Thesis. Wish me luck!

Ricardo Rodrigues

Ricardo Rodrigues

Boyfriend and Friend to great people, Game Developer, Ph.D. student, AI Researcher

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